Monday, December 12, 2016
Art and Tech
This is my distortion video. I wanted to work on effects on this one and I teamed up with my cousin who filmed this and a friend who wrote the script. It was nice for my friend to write the script for me, I had an idea and he brought it to life.
As for the recording I filmed this in Fort Lauderdale during thanks giving break, I wanted the extra time to work on the effects.
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
The History of Electroacoustic Music
From all the music movements I choseVIRTUAL, TECHNO, PUNK, DUBSTEP and DISCO.
I choose Virtual because I'm working on becoming an animator and I love how we are now in a time where we can have animated bands have live concerts. It's crazy to think not only that an animated character has a lie performance but also all the prep and work they have to set up to make the performance seem real which is the whole point of the performance. As an artist for this one the Tupac hologram with snoop dogg comes to mind. I mean it differs with the other bands with Tupac being alive at one point but it stills follows the idea of what virtual is.
With techno I started enjoying this in middle school with Daft punk, I had no idea what techno was at that time but I really enjoy their music. Because I didn't know what techno was then by the time I heard about it I never really tried to look in to the music, which kind of a shame because now that I listen to some of these artist I missed out on some good music. The Artist/ song I would have to say Technotronic Pump up the Jam, I find this a hilariously awesome song. Even watching the video it screams easily 90's. I mostly chose this for how funny I found the video but it follows a beat which at the time was popular or should I say Funky freas... Yeah no...
OMG The Sex Pistols I can't remember the last time I heard one of their song, granted I only heard like 2 songs they did... *cough.. Anywho! I was never really in to punk music there are a few songs I'm sure I do enjoy and listen to, but I never really looked into music like that. The group I chose for this was Green Day American idiot, even though I don't like punk that much Green Day music and the song I chose are an exception for me. I'm not sure why maybe I need to listen to more punk music, but the first 7 songs before I got to green day just didn't feel me the right way. IDK I'm weird!
I chose dubstep not because I hate it or not because I like it I'm kind of in this in between state with it where I don't know how I feel about it. I've heard some of my favorite childhood cartoon theme songs get turned into dubstep music on Youtube, which is where I first heard about this genre. But Like I said I don't like it or hate it, I guess it depends on how the artist prepares the song. I do prefer Upbeat tones as long as it has that I guess I would like what ever song they choose to play. As for the artist I chose a YouTuber Beeedthemoviemaker "Kingdom hearts Dubstep (HD)" Because this is one I do enjoy plus it's a game I wanted to get into but I never had the right concel to play it.
And Finally Disco the one I know more about and know I listen too. I grew up with my dad singing songs, and he may have not sang too much disco music that was one genre he would play on the radio, but I also think disco music has to be the most popular on the whole list I mean I could be wrong but if I remember correctly Tv shows used to play a lot of disco music and they still do. Sherk 2 had Funcky Town! Which is btw the song I chose by Mouth to Mouth.
I chose these movements for 3 reasons. 1 I knew what these movements are or at least heard about them. 2. I wanted to learn more about these movements. 3. there was a song or band that I liked in there. And Each artist I chose for each movement I really enjoyed and why not add bands that I like when they are part of that movement. Now time for a back story, I never really looked into music through their Genre but more so how I enjoyed the music or song I was listening to. Even writing this blog I didn't realize what group some of these bands belonged to and that was nice learning a bit of information like that. I am always that person who never heard of a band and people keep freaking out that I never heard of a Blink182 song or saw Youth in Revolt things like that and then I never look into what ever I didn't see or heard because I either forget or theres just too many things I've never experience and trying to do everything is too stressful or whatever, so this was a good excuse to learn alittle bit more about these music groups.
I choose Virtual because I'm working on becoming an animator and I love how we are now in a time where we can have animated bands have live concerts. It's crazy to think not only that an animated character has a lie performance but also all the prep and work they have to set up to make the performance seem real which is the whole point of the performance. As an artist for this one the Tupac hologram with snoop dogg comes to mind. I mean it differs with the other bands with Tupac being alive at one point but it stills follows the idea of what virtual is.
With techno I started enjoying this in middle school with Daft punk, I had no idea what techno was at that time but I really enjoy their music. Because I didn't know what techno was then by the time I heard about it I never really tried to look in to the music, which kind of a shame because now that I listen to some of these artist I missed out on some good music. The Artist/ song I would have to say Technotronic Pump up the Jam, I find this a hilariously awesome song. Even watching the video it screams easily 90's. I mostly chose this for how funny I found the video but it follows a beat which at the time was popular or should I say Funky freas... Yeah no...
OMG The Sex Pistols I can't remember the last time I heard one of their song, granted I only heard like 2 songs they did... *cough.. Anywho! I was never really in to punk music there are a few songs I'm sure I do enjoy and listen to, but I never really looked into music like that. The group I chose for this was Green Day American idiot, even though I don't like punk that much Green Day music and the song I chose are an exception for me. I'm not sure why maybe I need to listen to more punk music, but the first 7 songs before I got to green day just didn't feel me the right way. IDK I'm weird!
I chose dubstep not because I hate it or not because I like it I'm kind of in this in between state with it where I don't know how I feel about it. I've heard some of my favorite childhood cartoon theme songs get turned into dubstep music on Youtube, which is where I first heard about this genre. But Like I said I don't like it or hate it, I guess it depends on how the artist prepares the song. I do prefer Upbeat tones as long as it has that I guess I would like what ever song they choose to play. As for the artist I chose a YouTuber Beeedthemoviemaker "Kingdom hearts Dubstep (HD)" Because this is one I do enjoy plus it's a game I wanted to get into but I never had the right concel to play it.
And Finally Disco the one I know more about and know I listen too. I grew up with my dad singing songs, and he may have not sang too much disco music that was one genre he would play on the radio, but I also think disco music has to be the most popular on the whole list I mean I could be wrong but if I remember correctly Tv shows used to play a lot of disco music and they still do. Sherk 2 had Funcky Town! Which is btw the song I chose by Mouth to Mouth.
I chose these movements for 3 reasons. 1 I knew what these movements are or at least heard about them. 2. I wanted to learn more about these movements. 3. there was a song or band that I liked in there. And Each artist I chose for each movement I really enjoyed and why not add bands that I like when they are part of that movement. Now time for a back story, I never really looked into music through their Genre but more so how I enjoyed the music or song I was listening to. Even writing this blog I didn't realize what group some of these bands belonged to and that was nice learning a bit of information like that. I am always that person who never heard of a band and people keep freaking out that I never heard of a Blink182 song or saw Youth in Revolt things like that and then I never look into what ever I didn't see or heard because I either forget or theres just too many things I've never experience and trying to do everything is too stressful or whatever, so this was a good excuse to learn alittle bit more about these music groups.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Art and tech
I originally wanted to scan my face with my scanner but for some reason my scanner couldn't connect to my computer so I used the scanners at school. I didn't trust the scanners enough to put anything other than my hands on there, so I came up with a new idea involving my hands. Before I get to that I wanted to make sure I had a lot of hands to choose from so I scanned m hand a few times and Printed different sizes.
The longest part was cutting each hand out, I ended up printing more than what I needed but I didn't know how much I would need. So yeah that was fun. I also high five a few of my hands after they were cut out to keep my morale up cutting all these hands over and over and over... I may have gone insane while doing this. Also it was cool seeing my hands in different sizes and comparing them.
These next two pictures is me putting the hands together coming up with ideas on how they should react to each other. I did have something in mind but I also wanted to see how it would look all together.I glued some of the hands together as you see below where the hands are grabbing each other, this was the biggest idea I had in mind that I started off with. More of a unity type of idea in a since, but that didn't really crossed my mind at the time. I was trying to go for a cool looking collage type of thing, which I do think I did but I'll explain what I see in this piece and how I feel about it in the last paragraph.
So here is the finial piece, I ended up adding 2 to 3 layers of hands because I didn't want the white to show. I feel like if I only did 1 layer or at the very least left some hands out it would look how I wanted it to turn out, but I'm also glad I didn't do that. My first thought on this piece was disturbing in the since that it reminded me of chaos in society, which made me enjoy this piece more because now I was thinking about how this made me feel. I felt like even though there were a bunch of hands reaching out for each other helping each other in-between them were hands trying to help themselves pushing the other hands away. So my mind set was in a negative way comparing these hands to society, but then as I looked at this piece again taking out of the car I saw hope. Instead of this chaotic mess of hands only looking out for themselves I realized that the hands that are working together reaching out for each other stood out more to me, at least when I looked at it this morning. I'm not sure if it was because of my mood or what but this made me think how people could see different things in the same artwork and now I would like to see what everyone else thinks of this.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
30x30 Batman!!!!!!
First I started off getting two pictures One of me as Batman at comic con and a Gotham illustration from the Arkham video games. I edit them on photo shop and Made it black and white.
And Boom! All shaded in!!! It ended up as 30x32 but hey I liked how it came out!!!
I also added some color on photoshop as a bonus to the black and white one.
In All I did somewhat enjoy making this. I mean I took a lot of my time to do each square but I loved how it came out in back and white. One thing I didn't realize was after I set up coloring each square 30 by 30 I didn't realize the grid I used was 30 by 28 so some distortions were made in the process but I came out close to the original piece.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Sunday, October 9, 2016
I was really excited with this project since I'm studying to become an animator myself, but overtime I took a break and went back to continue this I got bored and drew something else. Reason why the animation keep changing and stuff. Even though I planed on doing something else I liked how this animation turned out.
I'm also taking the Animation class this semester and I already have a few hand drawn animations already made. This book however is the most I drew frame by frame.
I really didn't learn anything I didn't already know while doing this project. I did try some things I learned in my animation class such as the fire. Theres this thing called straight on or in-betweens which are two different ways to do hand drawn animation. Straight on is drawing each frame after the next, which is how I did this project. In-between is where you draw one frame or your Key frame then skip a few frames till what ever your object you're animating is in a new pose, then you animate the object turning into that new pose. So say you have a character raising his or her hand one key frame you have the hand down another key frame you have the hand up and the In-betweens are the frames the shows the hand moving up.
Even though I like having more control of the pen compared to animating on the computer, I prefer working on the computer than drawing in this book. Its a cool idea and I wish I had more free time to make something better, but because of work I kept rushing myself to finish and didn't take the time to enjoy what I was doing and make something good. And I like doing this stuff
I'm also taking the Animation class this semester and I already have a few hand drawn animations already made. This book however is the most I drew frame by frame.
I really didn't learn anything I didn't already know while doing this project. I did try some things I learned in my animation class such as the fire. Theres this thing called straight on or in-betweens which are two different ways to do hand drawn animation. Straight on is drawing each frame after the next, which is how I did this project. In-between is where you draw one frame or your Key frame then skip a few frames till what ever your object you're animating is in a new pose, then you animate the object turning into that new pose. So say you have a character raising his or her hand one key frame you have the hand down another key frame you have the hand up and the In-betweens are the frames the shows the hand moving up.
Even though I like having more control of the pen compared to animating on the computer, I prefer working on the computer than drawing in this book. Its a cool idea and I wish I had more free time to make something better, but because of work I kept rushing myself to finish and didn't take the time to enjoy what I was doing and make something good. And I like doing this stuff
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Art 211 Stage Door
I thought I was going to like Michael Feinstein on the song but after watching the videos of 50 percent I fell in love with Bea Arthur's take the most. I do think Michael Feinstein had a good voice but I was't too found of his performance especially compared to Bea Arthur who had feeling and soul in her performance
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Madama Butterfly
Frist Off I'm a hugh fan of claymation/ stop motion, I hope to become an animator myself self after I graduate.
Any who there seemed to be so many messages hitting you all at once, at least when you're watching the video. The music however did guide you through out the story giving you the feeling of the moment.
I wasn't expecting that they were going to have the two characters lay naked in the field since it was a claymation, which I liked for the shocked value and since it was the major plot of the rest of the video. It was at this point I stop seeing it as figures but as characters only for the animators to remind me later at the end that it was claymation, but I'll get back on that in a bit.
For the story it made me think about how we had/ have soldiers over seas and a lot of them are getting around. I'm sure that there are a lot of babies whose fathers were solders and they never found out about these kids or at least something like that. It also reminded me of an episode of The King of the Hill, which Hank found out that he had a half Japanese brother.
As the Music guides us with the story we see this asian girl with this american man and she ends up having a daughter with him, but the american guy leaves to go to war before she has the baby. The girl waits for the soldier for years to a point where her daughter is older, 5ish maybe? And when she see the soldier return, he's only there for the kid and it turns out he has more children from other countries. This is where the music starts getting trouble or depressing yet terrifying. In my mind I wondered why the woman with the soldier stayed with him after he "gone around" the world, but it was because this one soldier took pretty much everything from this poor girl that she ends up killing herself, it is also at this point that the animators remind you that this is animation by making her walk in the studio and rip herself apart reviling her as a doll.
I like that for the fact that it makes the scene not so bad to watch yet at the same time you understand what she is doing to her self. A since of censorship so to speak. It then ends as her remains turn into a butterfly which we see at the beginning, so theres some time mind freaks going on here.
But I really enjoyed watching this, I thought the animation was done well. I wasn't focus on the music so much but I was aware that it made the scene have a emotion to it. Not sure if it was different songs or not but when the music tone changed from happy to tragic I was on the edge of my seat.
Any who there seemed to be so many messages hitting you all at once, at least when you're watching the video. The music however did guide you through out the story giving you the feeling of the moment.
I wasn't expecting that they were going to have the two characters lay naked in the field since it was a claymation, which I liked for the shocked value and since it was the major plot of the rest of the video. It was at this point I stop seeing it as figures but as characters only for the animators to remind me later at the end that it was claymation, but I'll get back on that in a bit.
For the story it made me think about how we had/ have soldiers over seas and a lot of them are getting around. I'm sure that there are a lot of babies whose fathers were solders and they never found out about these kids or at least something like that. It also reminded me of an episode of The King of the Hill, which Hank found out that he had a half Japanese brother.
As the Music guides us with the story we see this asian girl with this american man and she ends up having a daughter with him, but the american guy leaves to go to war before she has the baby. The girl waits for the soldier for years to a point where her daughter is older, 5ish maybe? And when she see the soldier return, he's only there for the kid and it turns out he has more children from other countries. This is where the music starts getting trouble or depressing yet terrifying. In my mind I wondered why the woman with the soldier stayed with him after he "gone around" the world, but it was because this one soldier took pretty much everything from this poor girl that she ends up killing herself, it is also at this point that the animators remind you that this is animation by making her walk in the studio and rip herself apart reviling her as a doll.
I like that for the fact that it makes the scene not so bad to watch yet at the same time you understand what she is doing to her self. A since of censorship so to speak. It then ends as her remains turn into a butterfly which we see at the beginning, so theres some time mind freaks going on here.
But I really enjoyed watching this, I thought the animation was done well. I wasn't focus on the music so much but I was aware that it made the scene have a emotion to it. Not sure if it was different songs or not but when the music tone changed from happy to tragic I was on the edge of my seat.
Monday, September 12, 2016
RAUL CUERO’s interview about Creativity Art 211
I had a difficult time trying to figure out how to imply this video to my life while also being tired and a little stressed for working all weekend.
But in reality I loved how Raul is an older man who is also a scientist who is willing to learn more about technology meanwhile my grandma is ready to give up on her phone. Seeing what Raul had to go through to get to where he is today just shows you how hard work and willingness to keep trying is importain for not just only in art but in life itself.
That was the only thing I really picked up from the video everything else kind of went over my head and I already applying that to my life as is. I mean I Work on projects in between my shifts at work with no day's off in-between school and work at the moment and I always try to show up with a smile.
But in reality I loved how Raul is an older man who is also a scientist who is willing to learn more about technology meanwhile my grandma is ready to give up on her phone. Seeing what Raul had to go through to get to where he is today just shows you how hard work and willingness to keep trying is importain for not just only in art but in life itself.
That was the only thing I really picked up from the video everything else kind of went over my head and I already applying that to my life as is. I mean I Work on projects in between my shifts at work with no day's off in-between school and work at the moment and I always try to show up with a smile.
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Thursday, September 8, 2016
I like the idea of this and I love what you can do with text. I've done something like this before but I wrote the text myself using a generator to do it for me is a lot better!! lol This was a little fun!!
Monday, September 5, 2016
Spinning Ball Vortex... Of Doom!! Bwahaha
Yes, yes now my evil animation is complete! Watch as it goes round and round!! Where it stops no one knows! Bwahaha!!
Hun it stopped.. how anti climatic...
Hun it stopped.. how anti climatic...
Bouncing Ball
See ball Bounce, see ball roll... You know kind of like how spot runs.. No don't get it?... just, just watch this...
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Frist/ Second/ Whatever!!!
Well today was my first day, again for classes. Second technically but in reality I've been going to school since I was a baby so happy X day?
Since I didn't talk about this yesterday I'll mention it today while I talk about my classes that happened today!
Yesterday I got to enjoy Animation I, a class that I ended up being more prepared for since I already had the book the professor recommended a year before hand!!
As for todayApplication Development seems like its going to be a fun class. I don't understand code that well but the professor seems to make it strait foreword.
Right after that I have beginning Illustration which I'm both excited for and a little board with. Looking at the Syllabus it doesn't look too difficult, but I've been playing with Illustrator and making Illustration for years so I think I'm going to try to have fun with these projects and step it up a bit. For some reason I want to make a Monkey reference for each project in this class.
And Finally Art and Technology my second class that asked for a Blog, and the professor seems like she's going to be fun. For some reason I picture a pen sword and a eraser gun thats connected to the arms like armor when I think of the words Art and Technology. *Cough
In all I feel like this will be a good year to push myself to be more creative and on a side note I finished working on a art work based on a show I used to watch "Danny Phantom." Its an animated picture and I'm trying to see if I can get Butch Hartman the creator of the show to add a animated autograph to it.
Well this is JAB Wocky Singing out ♩Till I see you again ♩ Yeah can't sing
Since I didn't talk about this yesterday I'll mention it today while I talk about my classes that happened today!
Yesterday I got to enjoy Animation I, a class that I ended up being more prepared for since I already had the book the professor recommended a year before hand!!
As for todayApplication Development seems like its going to be a fun class. I don't understand code that well but the professor seems to make it strait foreword.
Right after that I have beginning Illustration which I'm both excited for and a little board with. Looking at the Syllabus it doesn't look too difficult, but I've been playing with Illustrator and making Illustration for years so I think I'm going to try to have fun with these projects and step it up a bit. For some reason I want to make a Monkey reference for each project in this class.
And Finally Art and Technology my second class that asked for a Blog, and the professor seems like she's going to be fun. For some reason I picture a pen sword and a eraser gun thats connected to the arms like armor when I think of the words Art and Technology. *Cough
In all I feel like this will be a good year to push myself to be more creative and on a side note I finished working on a art work based on a show I used to watch "Danny Phantom." Its an animated picture and I'm trying to see if I can get Butch Hartman the creator of the show to add a animated autograph to it.
Well this is JAB Wocky Singing out ♩Till I see you again ♩ Yeah can't sing
Monday, August 29, 2016
Who Am I?
As a young boy I watched as my parents were murdered in front of me. It was on that day I vowed to make a difference in my city and become the ba... Oh wait that's my night job *cough
Right Anywho I'm John but I'm also known as Jab Junior (My initials). And no my parents weren't murdered, idk where you get that idea from. As for who I am I'm currently a student at UT where I'm studying Digital Arts and I hope to end up becoming an animator making cartoons somewhere.
Right Anywho I'm John but I'm also known as Jab Junior (My initials). And no my parents weren't murdered, idk where you get that idea from. As for who I am I'm currently a student at UT where I'm studying Digital Arts and I hope to end up becoming an animator making cartoons somewhere.

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